Settlement is quickly approaching. This is the prime time to touch up on a few things.
Confirm Date, Time and Location of Settlement
Due to many occurrences throughout the purchase process the date of settlement may change. Assure with your lender and realtor that settlement is still occurring on its predicted date.
Receive & Review Closing Cost
Lending laws require lenders to disclose the loan to buyers at least 3 day before closing. Disclosing the loan educates the buyer of all closing cost and fees.
Final Walk-Through of Property
Prior to closing on the property buyers should conduct a final walk-through. During the final walk-through buyers should take note of physical changes (i.e. added damage, broken windows, leaking faucets, water damage and etc.). Sellers are responsible for delivering the property to the buyer at closing in its proper condition. Any changes identified should be mentioned and negotiated.
Forms of Identification
Be sure to bring two forms of identification to closing. One must be a government issued ID.